Saturday, June 19, 2010

I'm 13 months old!

Our little CJ is now 13 months old. He really is more of a toddler now that a baby. Here are some things that he can do now....
  • Talks - he can say Appa (dad in Korean), Omma (mom in Korea), Mama (food/snack in Korean), Bella, Hi, Bye-Bye, ball, baby, wawa (water). He uses this little, tiny quiet voice when he's trying to say a real word...its very cute!
  • Appa, Appa, Appa....his FAVORITE thing to say. He loves daddy and misses him while he's at work.
  • Feeding and drinking by himself. And if he wants to do it himself he will let you know!
  • Likes to hear himself screech and scream sometimes and he thinks its funny.
  • Walks really well. Is getting faster so I know its only a short time before the running starts.
  • Loves peek-a-boo and being chased around.
  • Loves being outside.
  • He's into throwing his toys and cups right now. He thinks its especially funny if it hits the dog...poor Bella.
  • He's very interested in putting things together and taking them apart.
  • Favorite foods are definitely fruit right now. I think he would eat watermelon until he was sick if we let him.
  • He's phasing out his bottles...we're now down to 2. One at nap and one at bedtime.
Its so hard to imagine that we ever had to live without him. I am so thankful that we were chosen to be his parents.

1 comment:

JimandJackie said...

How I wish we lived by each other! My son is obsessed with watermelon, bang a bowl on the cabinet if he sees it. today he tried to carry one in the house! and my labs keep getting pegged with sippy cups and bowls. Your little guy is so cute!