Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Holidays!

A blog update for us is long over due! We are enjoying life as a family of 3 and our little guy is the light of our lives. Some how he is already just over 2.5 years did that happen already?!?

But - we are planning to expand our family to include one more. So in 2012 we will be diving in to adoption #2!!!!!! Unfortunately, the S. Korean program is no longer open through our agency which means we are starting a completely new journey through the China (COP/Waiting Child) program. There are lots of differences with this program - especially now that we will be assembling as dossier and learning all the inns and outs of the procedures with China Adoption. I am sure it will be another roller coster ride but we are thrilled to have the chance to add to our family though the miracle of adoption :) I am already dreaming of his (or her) sweet little face and carrying another little one around in the E.rgo. 2012 is going to be an exciting year, I can feel it!!!!

Let the paper chasing (and saving/fundraising) begin!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jackie said...
